Copyright (c) John Paul Jones, 2007

Recently a slew of books pertaining to Solomon and
purporting to unravel riddles of
Freemasonry and kindred
secret societies are hiting the book shelves of the major
books sellers, such as Barnes and Noble.
Perhaps to capitalize on Dan Brown's much hyped upcoming
book, the title of which is rumored to be "Solomon's Key",
books such as "Turning the Solomon Key", 2006, by Freemason
Robert Lomas, "The Shadow of Solomon", 2005, by ex-Freemason
Laurence Gardner, "Solomon's Power Brokers", 2007, by
Christopher Knight, "Solomon's Builder's", 2007, by
Freemason and Knight Templar Hodapp, and "The Key of
Solomon's Key" by Duquette, another Freemason, 2006, seek to
quench the growing thirst for truth in the wasteleand of
Not surprisingly, these tomes fail to dispell the darkness,
which darkness they arguably are, surrounding the Solomonic
magic that, according to its own practitioners, is the key
that unlocks the door to communication with spirits, both
demonic and supposedly otherwise, thus leading some to ask
if the keys of Solomon aren't those that will be used to
unlock the doors of a bottomless pit or Pandora's Box.
In any case, the cloak of secrecy surrounding Solomonic magic
as used in Kabbalistic Freemasonry is not in any way lifted
by lifting the covers the aforementioned books, despite the
Nation Treasure(s) which may lie within them, for if indeed
we can rely upon the word of the occult adepts, or even upon
the dictionary definition of the term 'occult', it's presumably
the job of occult initiates to conceal as much as to reveal.
For example, conspicuously absent from these books is any
mention of the key fact that the numerological signature of
Solomon's Seal is 6-6-6, a number triad having great import,
both to Christains, who consider it a sinister number
suggestive of the number of the Beast, as described in St.
John's Apocalypse, but also to Kabbalistic rabbis, who
consider the number positive in that, according to one
source, it has "lofty messianic potential",
which I take to mean that it signifies the Jewish Maschiach,
or Messiah, although I admit this is only the unitiated guess
of an uninvited goy cowan. Nevertheless, the point is
key, nor is it one that's easily blunted by baulderdash.
Simple geometry, after all, is simple mathematics expressed
in a universal language, one that can be understood by all
people in all ages in all cultures, provided that they have
a rudimentary understanding of simple arithematic, and the
hexagram can be easily construed to contain
6,6,6. Hebrew
is not needed to smell a stinky fish. Hell hath no hiss like
In order to counter the misinformation surrounding the "Key
of Solomon", the information in this booklet seemed urgent,
and given the great importance of the subject as it relates
to the mark of the Beast, maybe we'll be forgiven if, in our
haste to get the word out, the text is not devoid of errors
or ommissions.