Craig Heimbichner has a master's degree in education. He is a
former high-school principal and freelance writer, lecturer, &
researcher. He is also author of the book "Blood On the Altar:
The Secret History of the World's Most Dangerous Secret Society", which is
available at www.revisionisthistory.org;
he's also written several nationally distributed articles, including "The
Kabbalah of the Cryptocracy" and "The Cryptocracy for Idiots".
BLOOD on the
The Secret History of the World's
Most Dangerous Secret Society.
[being the Eastern
Templar Freemasons, a.k.a. "OTO"]
by Craig Heimbichner
Chapter 4 Witches and
Masons p.59
Luciferianism Decoded
Freemason Albert Lantoine, 33° wrote
a book in 1937 addressed to the Pope in which he said, "Possessing
critical and inquisitive minds, we are the servants of Satan. You, the
guardians of truth, are the servants of God. These two complement one
another. Each needs the other." 7
Interestingly, he later corrected himself
and said that he did not use "quite the correct term" and should have
said "servants of Lucifer." The distinction may be lost on
The name Lucifer is derived from Jerome's
Latin Vulgate translation of Isaiah 14:12: "Quomodo cecidisti de
caelo, Lucifer, qui mane oriebaris?" (How art thou fallen from
heaven thou Lucifer, son of the morning?) Patristic tradition taught
that Satan had another name before his fall, which the Church Fathers
denominated as "Light bearer," and which Jerome rendered into Latin
literally, as "Lucifer" (luc / lux ([light] + fer
[bearing). In the original Hebrew he is called the "shining one," to
whom Nebuchadnezzar and all other tyrannical kings of the earth who are
idolatrously worshipped, are compared.
Therefore, the masonic identification with
Lucifer is an attempt to invoke the supernatural force that energizes
tyrannical rule. (For an allusion to Lucifer as Satan, see Jesus'
statement in Luke 10:18). The severe scriptural animadversion to the
perfection and glories of Lucifer/Satan as celebrated by Freemasons and
the OTO, can be found in Ezekiel 28:12-15, while verses 16-19 combine
characteristics of Satan and a tyrannical king who is energized by
Satanic characteristics, in the same way that Isaiah 14 connotes both
Lucifer and the kings of Babylon who pattern their reign after
7 Albert Lantoine, Lettre au Souverain
Pontife. Cited by Vicomte Leon de Poncins, Freemasonry and the
Vatican (Palmdale, Calif.: Omni/Christian Book Club, 1968),
Please click here
to read the back cover of this important
Some child welfare workers and others have noticed that the word
shine seems to pop up rather ominously in projects organised
supposedly in relation to child abuse prevention. This makes more sense once
you have read this account.
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