According to Stephen Sora, author of "Secret Societites of
America's Elite", Sir Francis Dashwood, the Freemason who
helped found the infamous Hell Fire club, included at his
retreat the inscription "Do As Thou Will", supposedly the
motto given to Aleister Crowley by one of his demon lovers,
but the motto actually reaches back even further than the
17th century's Dashwood to the Abbey of Thelema:
"In his rule of the abbey of Theleme, Rabelais (1494-1553),
who was certainly an accepted mason, has left us with the
consititution of a society of free men. The sole rule of
the Thelemites was this: Do what you will, because people
who are free, well-born, well-bred, and easy in honest
company have a natural instinct that drives them to
virtous deeds and deflects them from vice--and they call
this honour....." The Secret History of Freemasonry,
Paul Maudon, pages 239-240)

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