JEHOVAH WITNESS Exposed - A Kabbalist Creation
Reason and Principle
08/18/06 10:26 AM
JEHOVAH Exposed - A Kabbalist Creation [ Post 294872538
From "Be Wise As Serpents," by Fritz Springmeier
One of the biggest issues the Jehovah's Witnesses make a
big fuss about is the name Jehovah. Christians, they say,
are obviously evil for Christians are not promoting the
name Jehovah. Although it is true the Bible has a
Tetragrammaton, even the Jehovah's Witnesses admit in
their literature that Jehovah is not the proper
pronounciation, in fact it is known to be a Middle Age
invention. What is not widely known is the importance
thatthe word Jehovah has played in Black Magic and
The word was introduced into Freemasonry, not in a
Christian context but in a magical context. Albert G.
Mackey, 33 degree, one of the highest respected Masonic
authorities for the Masons states in his Encyclopaedia of
Freemasonry, Vol. I, 1871,
"JEHOVAH is, of all the significant words of Masonry, by
far the most important. Reghellini very properly calls it
'the basis of our dogma and of our mysteries.'...The
history of the introduction of this word into the
ritualism of Freemasonry would be highly interesting, were
it not so obscure. Being in almost all respects an
esoteric symbol... That this name, in its mystical use,
was not unknown to the Medieval Freemasons there can be no
doubt... It is now conceded, from indisputable evidence,
that the holy name was, in the earlier years, and, indeed,
up to the middle of the last century, attached to theThird
Degree, and then called the Master's Word...Third Degree
refers to 'the mystic word, the Tetragrammaton.'"1
What was the esoteric, mystical use of the word Jehovah?
It stood for what Medieval Cabalists and other
practitioners of magic called their Satanic Holy Trinity.
E.M. Butler an expert on Magic writes in his book Ritual
Magic that "...the 'triple name' could stand for ADONAY,
Son, Holy Spirit) or any other of the variant holy names
by which the deity was invoked in black magic. With this
exception, the invocation, although there is a learned
Renaissance flavour about it, follows orthodox lines, and
the word valeat instead of salveat represents ... rather
subtle attempt to make the invocation blasphemous. It
certainly is at odds with 'Jehovah's name forward and
backward anagrammatized' (a pithy poetical way of
describing the method used by Kabbalists to determine the
seventy-two names for God), and also with the abbreviated
names of the saints in the circle. It makes nonsense too
of the conclusion: "By Jehovah, hell and the holy water
which I now sprinkle, and the sign of the Cross, which I
now make.' lt would be worse than useless, it would be in
the highest degree dangerous, to call on the name of the
'triple deity' who had just been dismissed (however
courteously) from the circle."2
The frequent use of the word Jehovah by Joseph Smith, Jr.,
and Charles T. Russell was the impact of Masonry on their
lives. C.T. Russell disliked Christ's name so much he
wrote the word Christmas as X-mas in his personal
letters.3 Joseph Rutherford, who was involved in the
occult, elevated the name. Jehovah even more, and
downplayed the name of Christ. There are many solid
Scriptural reasons why Jehovah is not the name that
Christians are to promote and worship, but that is a topic
in itself. The point though is that a balanced view of
scripture in no way demands that Joseph Rutherford's
worship of the word Jehovah be adopted. The over emphasis
these men placed on it, was due to their contact with the
Kabbalists who emphasized the mystery surrounding the
letter JHVH by referring to the name they represented as
the 'word of four letter', TETRAGRAMMATON, and this caught
on like wild-fire in the magical texts. Few indeed and far
between are those modern rituals in which that
awe-inspiring name does not occupy the place of honour."4
From a group of JW elders at my house came the advice, "If
you will say a prayer using Jehovah's name, and say it
with lots of will power, you can count on it working."
Folks, those elders don't know it—but that's Kabbalistic
Magic Unfortunately, not knowing history well, they do not
realize who promoted the name Jehovah for centuries— the
Magicians of the Kaballist Jews. THE MASONIC HOLY TRINITY
But if the Caballists believe in a Holy Trinity doesn't
that make them Christians?
"The Cabala is Occult Science itself. It is the secret
theology of the initiates, theology essentially Satanic.
In a word counter-theology. Our God, the God of the
Christians, is the power of evil in the eyes of the
Cabalists; and for them the power of good, the real God,
is Lucifer."
"One cannot be a convinced Cabalist without soon becoming
a magician and devoting oneself to the practices of
occultism."5 This explains why many of the famous
magicians such as Harry Houdini6 have been Jewish
In Freemasonry at the Kadosch the triangle is inverted to
represent Lucifer, who is said to be the Very Holy and
Indivisible Trinity to which the Kadosch takes his oath of
blind obedience. The Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander
takes his oath to this Very Holy and Indivisible Trinity
of Lucifer also.7 This is clearly described in the 33
degree French Mason Domenico Margiotta's book Le Culte de
la Nature dans la Franc-Maconnerie universelle. Is the
reader surprised that a Mason would publish something
saying their Holy Trinity is the Trinity of Lucifer?
Mackey in his Ency. of Freemasonry, 1887 ed., p.617
explains that "The objection to treatises and
disquisitions on Masonic subjects, that there is danger
through them of giving too much light to the world
without, has not the slightest support from experience. In
England, in France, and in Germany, scarcely any
restriction has been observed by Masonic writers, except
as to what is emphatically esoteric; and yet we do not
believe that the profane world is wiser in those countries
than in our own in respect to the secrets of Freemasonry.
In the face of these publications, the world without has
remained as ignorant of... our art, as if no work had ever
been written on the subject.... The truth is that men who
are not Masons never read authentic Masonic works. They
have no interest in the topics discussed,... "
This Author agrees with Mackey. When this Author has tried
to show what the Masons are about, few people will even
accord the courtesy of even a few seconds of their time.
Even when people are willing to spend a few minutes, how
can a few moments dispel all the Masonic smokescreens.
Some read that the Masons believe in a Holy Trinity and
conclude they are solid Christians. If such men believed
in the Christian Trinity, why have most of the most
anti-Christian philosophers and writers been fervent
Freemasons? Masonry and Christianity are not the same, nor
are their trinities.
"Theurgy is the highest degree of occultism. Necromancy is
limited to the summoning of dead souls, but the Theurgists
of the nineteenth century evoke entities qualified by them
as genii, angels of light, exalted spirits, spirits of
fire etc. In their meetings, scattered throughout the
world, they worship Lucifer. The three mysterious letters
J... B ... M.... that the common initiates see in the
Masonic Temples, are reproduced in the meeting rooms of
the Luciferians, but they no longer mean Jakin, Bohaz,
Mahabone, as in the Lodges, nor Jacques Bourguignon Molay,
as with the Knights Kadosch; in Theurgy these three
letters mean; Jesus Bethlemitus Maledictus. Theurgy is
therefore pure Satanism."8
The Cabalists and Masons profess to practice white magic
and refer to Theurgy as black magic.
What the reader sees here is a common tactic by the devote
Satanists. Theyrename or slightly disguise their symbolism
and foister it upon groups of people that don't know what
they are really worshipping or getting into. Albert Pike
states in Moral and Dogma that the lower levels are
deceived.9 They have been deceived from the very beginning
of the Masonic Lodge. The Masonic symbolism from the
beginning has its origins in the occult. It use of
Christian symbols is esoteric.
This chapter will explore the relationship of Watchtower
symbology and their special words to the Masons and the
A VISITOR The young blond girl in a patterned dress at my
door stammered and shook a little as a Matronly older
woman looked on and observed her memorized presentation.
"This is the great issue that faces everyone," she said
And indeed the cover of her Watchtower magazine10 said,
"The Great Issue Faces You," along with a picture of an
old man with stars surrounding him.
As a scholar of the Watchtower Society, my curiosity was
aroused, What is the great issue?
Her visit had caught our family at an unfortunate time
when I couldn't invite them in. I took her magazines, and
silently prayed she'd keep her word to return on her back
call, which she didn't unfortunately.
I opened the magazine. What is the great issue—was it sin?
That certainly was Christ's great issue, his central
message was man's slavery to sin. He preached that theme
from several different angles. The captives he came to set
free were the captives of sin. Those he was able to bless,
were those poor in spirit, that is those who realized
their sinful nature.
The apostle Paul continued Christ's message on sin. "This
righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ
to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have
sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are
justified freely by his grace through the redemption that
came by Christ Jesus." (Rom. 3:22-24)
Even the Apostle John, a favorite among the Masons and
other esoteric groups made sin the great issue. "If we
claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the
truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful
and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from
all unrighteousness." (I Jn. 1:8,9)
So what was the Watchtower's Great Issue?
At the end of page three, which is the first article, we
learn the answer, "In fact, the great issue facing each
one of us is whether we accept or reject the sovereignty
of God, "whose name alone is JEHOVAH." Having been
associated with Jehovah's Witnesses, I knew that the issue
of God's Sovereignty meant Jehovah's name. For instance,
Moses had done all he did to Pharoah and the Egyptians the
JWs had instructed me, solely to teach them his name is
pronounced Jehovah.
Knowing this, it was fairly certain what would follow in
the Watchtower article, "The time must come when he will
resolve all aspects of this issue of sovereignty in
harmony with his own stated purpose: "They will have to
know that I am Jehovah."11
And there they did it again. The WT Soc. has taken a
Biblical concept the Sovereinty of God and perverted it
into a test of "Are they promoting the word Jehovah or
The real issue is not whether some magical word Jehovah is
promoted or not. The issue is sin.
If you want words the Hare Krishna's have magical words.
"Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Krishna
Krishan, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare
Hare, " they chant.
If you want magical words the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi will
give you for around $20 a mantra (the name of some Hindu
deity picked especially for you) to relax with.
These groups all have plenty of magical words to save us,
but what do they say about sin?
Transcendental Meditation (TM) says sin is a state of
mind. Hare Krishnas see sin as something that can be
purged with eating, clapping and dancing. The Watchtower
Society chooses to believe that the results of sin can be
ignored, for in the New order sinfull mankind will teach
himself to be perfect with the aid of 144,000 elite
teachers. The guilt, the horror, and the need for
confession of sin eludes their religious teachings.
Christianity realizes sin, realizes the guilt man has, his
need to confess his sin to God, and his need to rely on
God for salvation.
The WTs answer to the public was given in the WT May 1,
1987 issue pg.30. Their answer is that the greek word
kosmos allows them to fittingly speak of a coming "new
world." To quote, "But the Biblical use of Ko'smos allows
for a Christian to speak of a 'new world' when referring
to the coming Paradise restored on earth." This answer is
good fodder for brain-washed androids, but is not a
responsible answer at all. Strong's Concordance's Greek
dictionary indicates that the word kosmos (word #2889 in
the dict.) probably came from a root word meaning orderly
arrangement such as a decoration, and by implication means
the world. The Bible however does not speak anywhere of a
new world order or a new order.
AT-ONE-MENT Did Russell coin the breakdown of the word
atonement into At-one-ment? Hardly, the Christian
Scientists and the Masons were using such phraseology
before Russell. Russell used it as the title of an approx.
500 page book he put out in 1899. An example of the
Masonic use of the term is an article in the Mar. 1923 New
Age Magazine entitled "TOWARD AT-ONE-MENT".12
1. Mackey, Albert G. Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry, Vol. I,
1871 ed., p.363 ff 2. Butler, G.M. Ritual Magic. New York:
The Noonday Press, 1949, p.307. 3. Author's personal
collection 4. Butler, op. cit., p.40 5. Bataille (Carl
Hackse). Le Diable au XIXe Siecle, Vol. I, p.29. 6.
Denslow, 10,000 Famous Freemasons, p.255 7. Margiotta,
Domenico, 33 degree. Le Culte de la Nature dans la
Franc-Maconnerie Universelle. (18??), p.227 8. Bataille,
op. cit., p. 35 9. Pike, Albert, 33°. Morals and Dogma.,
p.819. 10. WT Mar. 1, 1991 11. ibid.,p.5 12. Milburn, H.A.
art. "TOWARD AT-ONE-MENT", New Age Magazine, Mar. 1923, p.
