"When used in black magic, the pentagram is called the 'sign
of the cloven hoof,' or the footprint of the Devil. The star
with two points upward is also called the 'Goat of
Menendes.'" (The Secret Teaching of All Ages, by 33rd Degree
Freemason Manly P. Hall)
"This star represents God, all that is pure, virtuous, and
good. when represented with one point upward; but when
turned with one point down it represents Evil, all that is
opposed to the good, pure, and virtuous; in fine, it
represents the Goat of Mendes." ("History of Freemasonry and
Concordant Orders, by Freemasons Henry L. Stillson & William
J. Hughhan
"When the Pentagram elevates two of its points, it
represents Satan, or the goat of the Mysteries." Arranged by
F.A. Bell, Order of the Eastern Star, An Instruction
Manual On The Organization and Government of the Chapters of
the Order with Ritual and Ceremonies, 1988, p. 108
"From this star, reversed and falling, the king of demons,
Lucifer, was created. Remphan or the flaming star in
reverse which was later made into the head of an ass." Eliphas Levi,
"Mysteries of the Qabalah", p. 59, WEISER
"The ornaments of a Lodge are the Mosaic pavement,...and the
Blazing Star. [the Mosaic pavement] denotes...the two
opposing principles of nature, -- Light and Darkness,
Micheal and Satan... (The Ancient Mysteries & Modern Masonry
by Rev. Charles H. Vail, 32nd Degree Freemason)
"A good instance of this practice is found in the pentagram
or five-pointed star, made of five connected lines. This
figure is the time-honored symbol of the magical arts....
The pentagram is used extenisvely in black magic, but when
so used its form always differs in one of three ways: The
star may be broken at one point by not permiting the lines to
touch; it may be inverted by having one point down and two
up; or it may be distorted by having the points of varying
lengths. -- Manly Palmer Hall, 33rd Degree Freemason, "The
Secret Teachings of All Ages", pp. 326-27.
"When the star is shown point upward, it is considered the
symbol of the white magician who is able to leave the body
by way of the head; when downward, black magic." -- Ancient
and Operative Masonry, by S.R. Parchment,
"In commemoration of the flooring of the temple and tabernacle,
the Mosaic pavement is always
preserved as an ornament
of the Masonic lodge, with the blazing star in the center"
- A dictionary of Freemasonry, page 252, by Robert Macoy
"The Blazing Star (Pentagram) has been
regarded as an emblem of Omniscience, or
the All-Seeing Eye, which to the
Egyptian Initiates was the emblem of
Osiris, the Creator." Freemason Albert
Pike, "Morals and Dogma"
"To find in the BLAZING STAR of five points an allusion to
Divine Providence is fanciful; and to make it commemorative
of the Star that is said to have guided the Magi, is to give
it a meaning comparatively modern. Originally, it
represented Sirius, or the Dogstar, the forerunner of the
innundation of the Nile...Then it became the image of Horus
the son of Osiris, himself symbolized also by the Sun, the
author of the Seasons and the God of Time" Freemason Albert
Pike, "Morals and Dogma" pp 14-15, as quoted on page 102 of
"Masonry Beyond the Light" by William Schnoeblen
" The floor of the tabernacle and the pavement of Soloman's
temple were thus ornamented. Mosaic or tesselated pavements
were common among the ancients; the Egyptians, the Greeks
and especially the Romans most ingeniously decorated the
floors and walls of their temples in this manner."
-- Freemason MaCoy, "A Dictionary of Freemasonry", page 252
"But the Pentagram, profaned by men, burns ever unclouded in
the right hand of the Word of Truth, and the inspired voice
guarantees to him that overcometh the possession of the
Morning Star--a solemn promise of restitution held out to
the Star of Lucifer. -- Eliphas Levi, French Freemason, from
his book, "Trancendental Magic: It's Doctrine and Ritual"
The cabalistic motto of Freemasonry's Order of the Eastern
Star is "Fairest Among Thousands, Altogether Lovely," or as
an acronym, F.A.T.A.L., which motto is given as explained on
page 100 of the Eastern Star Manual: "The Cabalistic word is
'F.A.T.A.L.' It's made up from the first letter of each word
in the Cabalistic Motto." (Carrico, "Ministry to Masons")
The Devil tarot card designed by Arthur Waite (a Freemason,
Cabalist, and black majician) and Pamala Coleman Smith, in
1910. Since the Devil sports a blazing star on its forehead,
Waite evidently associated the symbol with the Devil.
"The Holy and Mysterious Pentagram: When it
elevates two of its points, it represents Satan;
and when it elevates one of its points only it
represents the Saviour, goodness, and virtue."
--From an introduction to Albert Pike's Magnum
Opus, page 110, Robert Kessinger, 33rd Degree
Mason, according to Ralph Epperson.
You have lifted up the shrine of your king, the pedestal of
your idols, the star of your god-- which you made for
yourselves. Amos 5:26 (NIV)
You have lifted up the shrine of Molech and the star of your
god Rephan, the idols you made to worship. Therefore I will
send you into exile' beyond Babylon. Acts 7:43 (NIV)