"All-Seeing Eye: An important symbol of the Supreme Being,
borrowed by the Freemasons from the nations antiquity....On
the same principle, the Egyptians represented Osiris, their
chief diety, by the symbol of an open eye, and placed this
heiroglyphic of him in all their temples." (Mackey's Encyclopedia
of Freemasonry, The Masonic History Company, 1946,
p. 52-53, as quoted from secondary source "The Great Seal,
of the United States: It's Occult Meaning, by David Carrico
1997, p. 28
"The Blazing Star (Pentagram) has been regarded as an emblem
of Omniscience, or the All-Seeing Eye, which to the Egyptian
Initiates was the emblem of Osiris, the Creator." [Pike,
"Morals and Dogma", p. 26-16, according to the Cutting Edge
PUBLIC IN LONDON, November, 2002. Here Pike admits that the
Blazing Star symbol commonly seen on Masonic lodge floots is
symbolically equivalent in meaning to the All-Seeing Eye.
"...his (Osiris) power was symbolized by an eye over the
Sceptre. The Sun was termed by the Greeks the Eye of
Jupiter, and the Eye of the world; and his (The Sun glyph)
is the All-Seeing Eye in our Lodges." (Albert Pike, Morals
and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry, pp. 15-16, 477)
"One of the four Lipka Lords, Who stand nearest to our
planetary Logos, is called `The Living Serpent,' and His
emblem is a serpent of blue with one eye, the form of a
ruby, in its head. Students who care to carry this symbology
a little further can connect this idea with the `eye of
Shiva' which sees and knows all..." (Alice Bailey &
Djwhal Khul - A Treatise of Cosmic Fire)
"...the phrase so often employed, `the All-Seeing Eye.' This
refers to the planetary Logos to see all parts, aspects and
phases (in time and space) of his planetary vehicle,..."
(Alice Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age II - Teachings on
the New Age - Part IV)
"It is through the medium of this "all-seeing eye" that the
Adept can at any moment put Himself in touch with His
disciples anywhere; that He can communicate with His
compeers on the planet, and on the third planet which, with
ours, forms a triangle..." (Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul -
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire)
"...upon the Path of Initiation, the initiate develops his
tiny correspondence to the planetary `All-Seeing Eye.'
(Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - Discipleship)
"Nor is Antichrist unknown to Mohammedan theology in which
he is called Masth al Dajjal, the false or lying Christ....
He is to be one-eyed and marked in the forehead with the
letters C.F.R., i.e., Cafir or Infidel." --Encyclopedia
Britannica, 1904. According to Texe Marrs, in his incredible
book, "Circle of Intrigue," this quote from the Encyclopedia
Britannica has since been remmoved after the Encylopedia
Britannica was bought by the Illuminati, but Texe has a copy
of the 1904 version which contains this amazing informaiton;
my experience has been, after much research of my own, that
Texe Marrs is a reliable source in most cases.
"In neither pain nor joy is liberation found.
In neither dark nor light will the spiritual sun
The pair of opposites distract the eyes of man.
Only the single eye directs the steps of the initiate
upon the way."
-- Lucis Trust manual, Discipleship in the New Age (Vol. II),
as quoted in "Circle of Intrigue," by Texe Marrs, page 141.
The Lucis Trust, among many other occult Masonically spawned
or influenced organizations, such as the O.T.O. --a satanic
organization greatly influenced by father of modern satanism
A. Crowley--uses the All-Seeing Eye as representative of the
deity they idolize.
Speaking of a figure of a hexagram with an eye
in the center, Albert Churchward, a
Freemason, writes:
"The interpretation therefore,
of this symbol, sign, or ideograph (Fig. 42) is
Horus, or T.G.O.U.T.U., the Eternal Lord of the
North and South [as represented by the two triangles],
the Great Judge, Unerring, Just, and True, Lord of
the All-Seeing Eye." (pg 174-175)
Churchward, author of "The Arcana of Freemasonry",
"Known as the 'Eye of Horus' or 'Utchat Eye', it is
associated with both the Egyptian God Horus and his father
Osiris." (J.C. Cooper, An Illustrated Encyclopedia of
Traditional Symbols, p. 20)
"Called the 'mal ochio' (evil eye), this object is regarded
by all Satanists as the symbol of Lucifer." (William J.
Schoebelen, Whited Sepulchers, p. 20)
"Many modern groups, though not related...claim to be
offshoots of the original so-called Mystery Religion. They
all carry the same symbols, such as the All-Seeing Eye, and
believe in the same so-called Secret Doctrine."
"The symbol may represent a god, but it is not the God of
the Bible. It is a human eye indicating that man is god."
(J.R. Church, Guardians of the Grail, p. 165)
"The All-Seeing Eye is one of the oldest hieroglyphics of
the Deity. The triangle also is a cabalistic symbol of the
most remote antiquity..." -- February 10, 1882, Lieutenant
in the 4th artillery of the U.S. Army and Secretary of
Treasury, Charles J. Folger
"These considerations lead us to an interesting topic, the
Eye of Mind or the Eye of Horus ...and conveying the idea of
the 'All seeing Eye'. The end set before the Egyptian
neophyte was illumination, that is to be 'brought to light'.
The Religion of Egypt was the Religion of the Light." Thomas
Milton Stewart, The Symbolism of the Gods of the Egyptians &
the Light They Throw on Freemasonry, London, England,
Baskerville Press, Ltd., 1927, p. 5
"Wallace's reasons for wanting to introduce the Great Seal
onto the American currency were based on his belief that
America was reaching a turning point in her history and that
great spiritual changes were imminent. He believed that the
1930s represented a time when a great spiritual awakening
was going to take place which would precede the creation of
the one-world state." (Michael Howard, The Occult
Conspiracy, p.95)
"A Holy War will now begin on America, and when it is ended,
America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her
millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects, your churches
will be used to teach the jew's religion, and in less than
two hundred years the whole nation of America will be
working for divine world government -- all religions will be
permeated with judaism wihtout even being noticed by the
masses, and they will all be under the invisible all seeing
eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry." -- Cornwallis,
speaking to George Washington, 1781, according to secondary
source "Illuminati Mystery Babylon", Texe Marrs; primary
source, from whence Texe got this information: "Legions of
Satan" by Jonathan Williams