The hammer and sickle symbol of Communism was adopted from Grand Orient Freemasonry, according to John Daniel, author of Scarlet and the Beast. In 1877, when French Grand Orient Freemasonry declared "God is dead", and "there is no God but humanity", they replaced the 'G' that had traditionally been at the center of the Masonic Square and Compass symbol with a hammer and sickle. "Notice that the symbol forms the letter 'G' backwards, which is symbolic of the negation of God and is French Freemasonry's declaration of atheism." (John Daniel, Scarlet and the Beast, vol. II, page 45) Thus it, too, represents the inversion of Chrsitan values, or the spirit of anti-Christ, and the number of the Beast, 666. This should not surprise us, since the communist philosophy was rehashed illuminism repackaged by a German Freemason, Qabbalist magician, and son of a Jewish Rabbi, Karl Marx.

As Pope Leo XIII pointed out in his most famous encyclical against Freemasonry, Freemasonry and communism were closely related. It's no coincidence that Soviet communism adopted the hammer and sickle emblem; this was presumably a cryptic message to occult initiates that Kabbalistic Freemasonry spawned communism. The hammer represents the male principle (white triangle) and sickle represents the female principle (black triangle), thus making it, in the eyes of the adepts, yet another among many symbolical synonyms of Solomon's Seal. As such it represents the process (solve et coagula, order ab chao) of the occult paradigm, as well as its alchemical purpose.

An internet posting had this to say about the occult origins of this symbol:

"Throughout the twentiech century the hammer and sickle were universally recognised as symbols of communism and the Soviet Union. For millions of people the hammer and sickle symbolised a new political and economic order offering progress, justice, and liberty. While countless others looked on the same hammer and sickle as an ominous emlem of oppression, hatred and tyranny.

Occultists and students of ancient wisdom saw something more. Behind the outward appearance of these communist emlems, which officially represented the emancipation of labor, there was an element unknown to the masses.

Russian occultists saw the Bolshevics as unconsciosly working for the cosmic mission of Russia and interpreted the Soviet hammer and sicle as hidden symbols of the blacksmith's art, hinting at future transmutation and transformation. Both metallurgy and alchemy (regarded as an occult science) sought to destroy impure elements with fire and thereby release a refined product, whether forged metal (the smith) or spiritual gold (the alchemist). Fire is associeated with Mars (the god of War) and the astral world.

To the occultist, the commuinist hammer and sickle symbolized conflict and transmutation. The forging -- in the fires of struggle -- of base elements into a purer, higher form. The athiestic Bolshevik, like the occultist, proclaimed that ordinary man must be transformed into new man, free of the bonds of selfish desires and of the oppressive past, in order to freely build the new civilization of the future."

"Since the time of Webb, the scythe has been adopeted in the American system of Freemasonry, as an emblem of the power of time in destroying institutions of mankind." (MacKensie, Engilish Masonic encyclopedist) As symbolic of time and death, the scythe is synonymous with the hourglass symbol, the Kabbalistic number of which is 6, according to Eliphas Levi, "Mysteries of the Qabalah.

In contrast to the sickle, which represents death, the hammer of course represents the vivifying, generative, or male principle in Freemasonry. As symbolic of fertility and thus life, it has the opposite meaning of the scythe. We thus see that the hammer and sickle, like every other symbolical synonym of Solomon's Seal, represents the two opposite principles in nature and in the god of the Kabbalah, as well as the process of their co-mingling or intercourse, which produces the third aspect of the occult trinity, the Eye in the triangle. The occult paradigm, process, and purpose are thus signified by the hammer and sickle.



Kabbalah Unmasked
"THEIR GOD IS THE DEVIL. THEIR LAW IS UNTRUTH. THEIR CULT IS TURPITUDE." Pope Piux IX, speaking of Kabbalistic Freemasonry
What's Behind Freemasonry
What's Beyond Freemasonry?
Double Triangle of Solomon
Six Exoteric Ways the Hexagram Means 6 6 6
Warning to Catholics from Council of Toledo
Kabbalist Dualism Debunked
Pope Leo XIII's famous Encyclical Against Freemasonry
Prayer for Freemasons