The winged disk is also a Rosicrucian symbol, which is to say,
crypto-Kabbalistic, and it likewise can be construed to signify
the same occult philosophy as symbolized by the Seal of Solomon.
[As indicated by this ideograph, which was downloaded from
a French O.T.O. website, the winged disk is associated with the
sun god and 6,6,6--the same numerological and etymological root
as Solomon's Seal.
The Eye is produced by the process of merging the two triangles
of Solomon's Seal, symbolically speaking. Literally speaking,
this process is simply that of yoking good with evil, which can
only result in the corruption of good, not the reformation of
the bad. Thus the symbolical union of the two trianges of the
Seal of Solomon expresses a diabolic spiritual law: in the eye
of evil, the only evil is seperation from evil. The point, then,
of Solmonic sorcery is to generate the evil Eye, i.e., the
within the circle, so to speak.
[See "The ORBs of GOG" for another rendition of the winged disk.]