John Paul Jones, 2007
"Occult adepts are adept at nothing but fraud." -- Michael A. Hoffman II,
Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare
As the O.T.O. emblematic here shown suggests, the "Rosy Cross" is a covert
or hidden, i.e., occult, symbol which has nothing or
near to do with Christianity, save by outward appearances, in
that the rose represents the female principle and the cross is
said to represent the male principle, thus making the rosy-cross ideograph
identical to the Yin-Yang symbol, the Egyptian Ahnk, or the
hexagram in its occult
or esoteric meaning.
The symbol of the pelican drinking its
own blood is a Rosicrutian symbol,
one described, for example, by Manly P. Hall, 33rd degree Mason,
in his book The Secret Teachings of All Ages, where he informs us
that the pelican is a symbol of self-sacrifice (p. 276), that mysterious
attributes were assigned to it in the Mysteries (p. 263), and that
the pelican of the Rose Croix degree is really a symbol of the
phoenix (p. 281), meaning, among other things, that it signifies
the occult principle of death
engendering life as depicted, for instance, in a book by Eliphas
Levi, "Mysteries of the Qabalah", where flowers are seen sprouting from
a skull and cross bones--likewise, the phoenix is said to rise from the
ashes, much like the flowers from the skull. According to a
web posting by the Philosophical Research Society, "The
Pelican may also be considered as representative of the sun,
whose rays (blood) are the life of the seven philosophical
planets depicted as the pelican's brood."
In Freemasonry, the 18th (6+6+6) degree confers the title "Knight of the Rosae
Crucis", or "Knight of the Pelican." In Morals and Dogma, by famed
Freemason Albert Pike, we are told: "The Pelican feeding her young is an
emblem of the large and bountiful beneficence of Nature, of the
Redeemer [the Masonic Christ] of fallen man and charity....The Eagle
is to use the symbol of liberty, the Compasses of Equality, the Pelican
of Humanity..." [Brackets mine.] In the O.T.O., the 5th degree confers the title
"Sovereign Prince Rose-Croix, and Knight of the Pelican and Eagle."
Aleister Crowley taught that in "the heart of the Master, the pelican is attributed
the formula IAO: I A O : all that liveth is blood of the
Heart of the Master; all stars are at Feast on that Pasture, abiding in Light."
The "INRI" acronym seen on this O.T.O. ideograph likely has
nothing or near to do with
Christianity, either, except by way of deceptive appearances
and characteristic Kabbalistic crypto-mockery.
In his book Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare,
Michael A. Hoffman wrote:
"The genesis of this supposed homunculus entity by atomic fire
draws inspiration from Albert Pike's cryptic 'INRI' acronym,
from the 18th Degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry:
Igne Natura Renovatur Integra ('Birth by fire renews Life').
This is a parody of the INRI acronym nailed on the Cross above
Christ: Iesus Nazaraeus Rex Iudaeorum ('Jesus of Nazareth,
King of the Jews')." (Secret Societies and Psychological
Warfare, page 209, Michael A. Hoffman II, Independent
History & Research, 2001, available at
According to Hoffman, in the inner circles of the OTO, "nucleor power is
regarded as a form of diabolic consciousness, as a literal demonic
entitiy in its own right." (Michael A. Hoffman, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, page 208)
a pelican-like icon (a swan drinking its own blood)
appears as an image that adorns the first version of the King
James Bible. Note, in the OTO icon above, the 7 baby pelicans feeding on the pelican's blood,
the 7 droplets of blood, and the 7 points on the crown above the
rosy-cross, which may indicate, among other things, that
it's no coincidence that the Kabbalistically
significant name 'Jehovah', which is said by Freemasons to be the Hebrew equivalent
of IAO,
occurs exactly 7 times in the KJV Bible, whereas,
in the DRV Catholic Bible, the name 'Jehovah' is nowhere to be found.
Perhaps this is a covert way of communicating to initiates of the Brotherhood
that they had a hand in the KJV Bible translation.
In any case, King James was a Freemason, according to many
reports, as well as a patron of Rosicrucianism, as certain
historical evidence would seem to suggest. He also practised
Solomonic rituals, or so says Robert Lomas, author of Freemasonry and
the Birth of Modern Science.
These facts may be some of the reasons,
among others, that the KJV Bible is the favored
version among Freemasons, who used it to
swear in George Washinton and other Masonic presidents. In my copy
of the deluxe family Masonic Bible, which is of course KJV, much
mention is made of the significance of the name 'Jehovah'.
Arguably, King James VI, in whose name the King James Bible
was named, could be seen as a prototype of the anti-Christ in
that he was known in his day as
"England's King Solomon",
an accolade with dual meaning as used by alleged Rosicrucian
Francis Bacon to eulogize King James VI, to whom Bacon
owed much of his swift rise to power--also, later, his swift
divestiture of power due to Bacon's involvement in financial
scandal. The exoteric meaning of the extravagent eulogy was
obviously that King James was known as an exceptionally learned
King, who
pened poetry and authored many books, including one against witchcraft,
while the underlying or esoteric meaning, known only to Bacon and
other elite occultists, was that James, as a Freemason, partook
activeley and enthusiastically in Solomonic rituals, or so it's
claimed, at any
rate, by Robert Lomas in his book on Freemasonry and the rise
of modern science. If so,--and the evidence is far less than
conclusive--King James I would have been the prototypical
Solomon-figure, the human epitomy of the dualism of opposites
symbolically signified in Solomon's Seal.
During King James' reign, the daily sacrifice
of the mass was curbed with draconian anti-Catholic legistlation.
These anti-Catholic laws
were passed on the pretext of the Gun-Powder Plot, a supposed
Catholic conspiracy to blow up King James I and his Parliment.
Arguably, this was a
a classic case of government sponspored or abeted terrorism, the
aim of which is to consolodate power and destroy one's enemies while
faciliating corporate unity of the general populace through
agiprop directed against the alleged perpetrators of the terror.
In any case, it was during the reign of King James I, in 1606,
that Saint
Nicholas Owen was tortured and put to death in the Tower of London.
There is arguably no better example in history of how systematic
government propaganda and terror can completely and successfully
change the face and soul of a nation. From a devoutly Catholic
country, England became the most anti-Catholic Protestant
nation in the world.
Although King James VI of Scotland (later known as
King James I of United Britian and Scotland) seemed somewhat
reluctant to crack down on Catholicism, possibly because, in
part, his deceased mother was Catholic, young James was
raised by strict Scottish
Presbyterians who had adopted the slave-will theory, as set
forth by the leader of the Protestant Reformation, Martin
Luther, in his book "On The Bondage of The Will". This was
the same dogma that was adopted by rebel Jan Hus, a Jew,
who supposedly inspired the Bohemians rebels, or Hussites, the precursors of Protestantism,
against whom five Catholic crusades were launched, none of which
succeeded in completely crushing the sect, the remnant of which
survived as a movement to support Martin Luther in his break with
the Catholic Church. Arguably, in claiming this slave-will heresy
as his own, Luther commited himself, perhaps unconsciously, to the
god of the Kabbalah, as signified by the hexagram, for if there's
no free will, there's no will that can act contrary to God's will,
so that every evil deed done by demon or man
is ultimately God's will manifesting through creation, in which
case, as French Freemason and magician Eliphas Levi would later
conclude: "What is the Devil, in the final analysis, but God
working evil?" Indeed, and who, in that case, is a strict
predestinarian? The Catholic historian, Hillaire Bulloc,
equated Calvinism with Moloch worship.
Perhaps it's not coincidental, then, but indicative,
rather, of a profound spiritual truth, that Luther used the rosy
cross as his crest. [Of course, it's also true that Luther later
turned vehemenently against Judaism after his disillusionment
set in concerning his hopes that Protestantism would facilitate
a mass conversion of Jews to Christianity.]
In any case, many Catholics evidently felt that the Protestants,
like their intellectual precursors, the Bohemians, could be seen
as not only heretifcal but satanic. Thus, over 34 nations,
representing many cultures, speaking many tongues, comprising
different races, wearing diverse uniforms and marching under
multi-colored banners with diverse emblematics, partook in the
Catholic crusades against the Bohemian rebellion. These, the
last of great Catholic crusades, marked the beginning of the end of
Catholic dominion of Western Civilization and the start of the
much bloodier and cataclysmic
crypto-crusades, or carpenter-rebellions (read Builders), i.e., Judeo-Masonic revolutions
and wars that began formally with Cromwell's English revolution,
then the French Revolution, followed
by the Napoleonic Wars, culminating in "hell's century", i.e.,
the 20th Century, with its unprecedented terror and mass
technocratic tyranny, including the Bolshevik revolution.

[As the scan above from Freemason Lipard's book indicates, both
winged disk (or globe) and the
cross rising from a globe are considered Rosicrucian symbols by
* Bergeron, David M.(1999) King James & Letters of Homoerotic Desire
* Daniel, John (1994) Scarlet and the Beast, Volume III
* Edmund, Maurice C. (1869) The Story of Bohemia
* Hall, Manly P. (2003) The Secret Teachings of All Ages
* Fraser, Antonia (1974) King James IV of Scotland and I of England
* Hoffman, Michael A. II (2001) Secret Societies & Psychological Warfare
* Lippard, George (1935) The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross
* Lomas, Robert (2003) Freemasonry and the Birth of Modern Science
* Luther, Martin () Bondage of the Will
* McIntosh, Christopher (1997) The Rosicrucians: The History, Mythology,
and Rituals of an Esoteric Order
* Nicolson, Adam (2003) God's Secretaries, Harper Collins
* O'Hare, Patrick (1916) The Facts About Luther
* Turnbull, Stephen (2004) The Hussite Wars
* Yates, Francis (1972) The Rosicrucian Enlightenment
* Yates, Francis (1964) Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition
* Weir, Alison (1998) The Life of Elizabeth I
* Williamson, Hugh Ross (1984) The Beginning of teh English Reformation
* Wiener, Peter F. () Martin Luther: Hitler's Spiritual Ancestor
* KingJamesMasonicBible.mpg