This November 14, 2002, NYT Op-ed story is arguably a red herring, or what is called in the intel
community a "limited hangout", i.e., a news report that reveals
certain incriminating and damaging facts but limits the damage by
omiting other more damaging information.
Here Safire, an ardent pro-Israeli writer, "longtime supporter" of
Ariel Sharon, and advocate of the
Iraqi war, covers for the real brawn and brains behind the IAO
surveilance scheme by making Poindexter the scapegoat and fall guy,
as though he was the mastermind or driving force behind the IAO's
proposed "Total Information Awareness" surveillance system.
As documented in "TROLL Cams: The All-Seeing Eyes of GOG", plans to
track the American public via a seamless internet-based
surveillance system already existed prior to 9-11, and as the name
of that article alludes, the plan arguably proceeded under the guidance of
the "All-Seeing" Eye of Judeo-Freemasonry, which heavily
peppers the intel community and swears its loyalty to Israel in
the Royal Arch Degree: "For the good of Masonry, generally, but the Jewish nation
in particular" (Heimbichner, page 89, Blood On The Altar.
In fact, we go so far as to think that the Judeo-Freemasonic network
of secret societies, including the OTO and Skull and Bones, remains now,
as it was long ago, the real brains and brawn behind the
beast. Please read "The Eschatology of Solomon's Seal" for more