"I David Berkowitz have been chosen since birth, to be
one of the executioners of the cult."
-- David Berkowitz
In Solomonic Sorcery, the hexagram
symbolizes the god of the Kabbalah,
or "the white and black Jehovah", which god, not
unlike other non-Christian gods, such as Zeus, Osiris, or Shiva,
represents the god of nature, or "nature's God", because, just as
nature contains both good and evil, light and dark, so also, it's
alleged by myriad Masonic mystagogues, T.G.A.O.T.U., The Grand
Architect of the Universe, exhibits both good and evil, light and
dark aspects. The movie Star Wars, which opened in
1977 as the Son of Sam murders terrorized NY, first introduced
this occult dualism into the mass mind on a grand scale, as noted
by the occult author of Dead Names.
In that same
year, 1977, the Son of Sam ritual
murders continued to terrorize New York
and the 1973 movie Wicker Man flashed-back on the
Big Screen in the Big Apple:
"The fiery Wicker Man, ancient symbol of human sacrifice and
ritual murder, resurfaced into the group mind during the
1970's, when, in 1977, the Son of Sam ritual cult murderers
signed themselves, "Wicked King Wicker" in a well-publicized
media report", wrote Michael A. Hoffman II in Secret Societies
and Psychological Warfare, available at
Therein he also wrote:
"In April of 1977, during the height of the Sam murders,
'by coincidence,' The Wicker Man movie was rerun
at a Manhattan theater. The word wicker has many denotations
and connotations, one of which is 'to bend', as in the
bending of reality. It is also connected to witchcraft
through its derivative wicca." (pg. 63)
"Even the
modern-day cult known as wicca", points out the occult author
of Dead Names, "owes the rituals in its Book of Shadows
to the Qabbalistic practices of the
Golden Dawn and Aleister
(Dead Names, Simon, page 199) Crowley was the infamous
Freemason and
main mufti of the OTO, or Ordo Templar Orientis, which is the
world's most dangerous secret society,
according to Craig Heimbichner,
author of Blood On The Altar.
As we shall see, key to unlocking the mind bending meaning of
these macabre murders is Solomon's Seal, the tell-all
talisman of Solomonic magia and murder. So it's perhaps no
coincidence that in the 1973 version of Wicker Man, the
hexagram, or Solomon's Seal, flashes twice onto the big screen,
thus invoking in the minds of the sufficiently adept the
"geometrical synthesis of the whole occult doctrine", or what
might be caled "the big picture" of The Process behind the
After investigating the infernal netherworld of a satanic
labyrinth that spaned the nation and spawned the Son of Sam
satanic cult (the Children), Maury Terry, author of The
Ultimate Evil, unearthed evidence of
what he called "a nationwide network of satanic cults," some
of which were thought to be involved in necrophilia, child
porn, narcotics trafficing, blood sacrifice of animals
and humans, contract murder, snuff films,
plus various other elements of organized crime, yet
investigations into the crimes had been hampered at times by
what appeared to be high-level interference.
The evidence,
in fact, compelled Mr. Maury Terry to conclude, in one edition
of his book, in the last line, that only one word could
describe what he had uncovered: namely, "conspiracy."
Many other works have detailed this 'conspiracy' but
among the best and earliest of warnings was that given by Pope
Leo XIII, in his much celebrated and justly famous expose
"Humanum Genus", wherin he presents
a conspiracy theory that has proven, in the course of time,
to be well-founded and timely.
As Micheal Hoffman points out in his book, "Secret Societies
and Psychological Warfare," the organizations behind the Son
of Sam murders could have been easily identified by anybody,
including the media, if they had wanted to know, but instead
the media seemed eager to accept the Berkowitz-only scenario
and dismiss any evidence that pointed to conspiracy and
cover-up. Maury Terry seems reluctant to point to some
of guilty organizations, perhaps because of the danger
involved, perhaps because he'd never get published or widely
distributed if he did, or perhaps for other reasons. In
any case, his book, which goes in and out of print,
remains one that can sometimes be found in the mainstream
book distributors, such as Barnes & Noble, and it's
well worth reading and impressively researched.
Hoffman's research is less easy to access but more succint,
fearless, pointed, profound, precarious, and less
substantial, at least on the surface, yet more substantially
framed in historical context. In Dead Names, a book authored by the person who
prepared the Necronomicon for publication, the anonymous yet
unabashedly occult author confirms Hoffmans' claim:
"When the Son of Sam murders began to take place, those of
us in the occult milieu in New York knew very well that more
than one person was responsible for them. We also knew that
there was a Brooklyn Heights connection, even after the shop
moved from the Heights to Manhatta's Nineteenth Street since
so many occultists lived in Brooklyn Heights by that itme:
Wiccans, Satanists, and magicians of every variety. There
was a small cult operating out of a brownstone on Hicks
Street, and another on Henry Street, north of Montague.
Classes were still being held on Clark Street, and coven
meetings were taking place in various locations in the
Heights. So, when the murders began, we knew they were not
the actions of one killer; we understood the occult calender
being used, and we were aware of the activities of just such
a cult that was operating out of Brooklyn." (Dead Names, p.
What occult calender was being used, the author doesn't say,
but later the author tells us that the cult's first known
murder, arguably that of Arlis Perry's ritual annihilation on October
12, 1974, occured at midnight on Aleister Crowley's birthday. Crowley
was the infamous and extraordinarily wicked occult crank,
Freemason, and guru of the O.T.O. (Ordo Templar Orientis).
The author of Dead Names also informs us that the cult,
though seemingly small, didn't act independently, but was
involved with larger organizations:
"That a branch of the Process might have been involved was a
persistent rumour in those days. That the Sam cult was
involved in drugs and prositution -- including gay
prostitution-- was also known to us. That they were
responsible for sacrificing dogs -- principally German
Shepards--was a fact, since a warehouse near Brooklyn Bridge
was known to have been used for rituals of that sort. There
was also an assumption that organized crime was behind the
cult, and that they used the cult as a kind of 'cutout' for
carrying messages and, eventually, commiting
murder-for-hire." (Dead Names, page 121)
Given that the cult was led by a Freemason, that Berkowitz
had studied the works of French Freemason Eliphas Levi,
that Arlis Perry was murdered on Freemason Crowley's birthday,
that the cult's philosophy, according to Terry, was largely
based on the teachings of fringe-Masoniic secret societies,
such as the Golden Dawn and the O.T.O., both of which were
not only founded by active Freemasons in good standing but
arguably represent the true qabbalistic inner workings of
elite Freemasonry, one might wonder why Freemasonry is so seldom
brought up in regard to the Son of Sam ritual killings,
especially given that Arlis' clothing and dead body were
arranged in what Maury Terry calls "a diamond-shape", but what
might be better described as an incomplete hexagram, or
Square and Compass symbol, at the center of which is a
diamond-shape. Yet corporate Freemasonry, sometimes called "the
invisible empire", remains virtually invisible in most books
on the subject, an ommision that's all the more suspect in
Maury Terry's book, where the need for a cogent theory to
explain high-level interference within the policital and
police apparatus is as conspicuous as it is conspicuously
Mob infiltration, subersion, bribery, etc.,
while it can explain much, leaves much else to explain. Terry
does mention in passing at one point that the Son of Sam Cult was led
by a Freemason, thus seeming to exonerate himself from any
accusation of cover-up by anti-Masons, yet he fails to emphasize
the significance
of this fact or the Masonic infiltration of both our intelligence
agencies and our police force, or how this might explain the
cover-up and broader conspiracy behind the cult,
but instead he launches into what seems at times a
somewhat contrived campaign to
associate the cult with all things Nazi. Nobody doubts
the evilness of Nazis, apart from a few Nazi numskulls, but
a Nazi conspiracy cannot begin to explain the facts of the
case or the cover-up and conspiracy that haunts us after
reading a book that uncovers what appears to be a monstrous
conspiracy and cover-up, yet
leaves us in the dark as to who could possibly orchestrate
such a shock and awe and awe sham within the media,
the police force, even the judicial system. John Quincy
Adams, sixth President of the U.S., called corporate
engine of consipiracy", and he would have had no trouble
recognizing Freemasonry as a prime suspect as the organization
behind the cover-up.
But to Terry,
evidently, Masonry is merely a footnote, a fact worth a line
or two of text, while Nazism looms large as Terry's media-sanctioned
kicking clown, one that can be villified endlessely without fear of
reprisal or rebuke or ADL-FBI-ACLU-antagonism. For example, Terry tries
to tie the cult's fascination with the number 666 to Nazism,
and to do so, he performs some rather contrived and convoluted
intellectual acrobatics.
The author of Dead Names points out that the first
murder of the Sam cult was that of Arlis Perry, in 1974,
several years prior to the spree of murders in New York.
Arlis Perry, a 19-year-old Evangelical Christian from
Minot, North Dakota, had newly-arrived as a newly-wed to
the University of Stanford, in California, to stay and study
with her husband, Bruce Perry. Arlis was a commited
and outspoken Christian, who had witnessed about her faith
in Jesus Christ to die-hard
Satanists back in her home state of North Dakota. She had
also helped her husband's father, a Dentist, who treated inmates at
the local prison there, where she might have overheard
some things about the criminal underground in ND, where,
according to The Godfathers of North Dakota, the
mob had been using 12-year-old girls to frame and blackmail
politicians and other power-brokers.
This abhorent practice
apparently a nation-wide phenoumenon, according to other
conspiracy books, such as The Franklin Cover-Up and Trance
Formation of America, and connections and
collusion between organized
crime, corporate Freemasonry, and elements of the cryptocracy
are suggested and substantiated with substantial circumstantial
evidence and eye-witness accounts.
Maury Terry, in his book The
Ultimate Evil records the occurance of several sniper
assasinations of teenage girls in New York.
Why a sniper might want to assasinate 13-year old girl remains
mysterious, but it should be noted that in the Son of Sam killings,
the victims were attractive women, else men who, at the time of
the murder, happened to be with an attractive woman, and it was
alleged that some of the women had been involved in a prostitution
ring involving college-girls.
Berkowitz, dubed the "Son of Sam" by the mass media,
had informed investigator
Maury Terry, while incarcerated for murder, that Arlis had been
followed from Minot, ND to Stanford University. She was
carefully watched, stalked, and eventually murdered.
Author Terry
alludes that the reason she was murdered might have
had something to do with what she had learned about the
satanic-criminal underground in Minot, ND, although that
was not proven.
Murdered on Crowley's birthday, October 12,
had been meticulously and mercilessly tortured, impaled,
and snuffed-out, her dead body and clothing arranged to
form what Maury Terry, author of
The Ultimate Evil, called a "diamond shape", but what
the author of Dead Names describes perhaps more
revealingly: "Her blue jeans had been placed accross her
spread-eagled legs in a V-shape, suggesting a diamond or
perhaps the unicursal hexagram (an occult symbol developed
by Aleister Crowley)". Actually, the form suggested by the
crime scene, if we can trust Maury Terry's rather vague
description, was not so intricate as a unicursal hexagram.
Maury Terry:
"In the words of a church official who later viewed the
scene, the sight was 'ritualistic and satanic.' And indeed,
it was a vision from hell. Arlis was lying on her back, with
her body partially under the last pew in the left-side
alcove, a short distance from where she was last seen
praying. Above her was a large engraving which had been
sculptured into the church wall years before. It was an
engraving of a cross. The symbolism was explicit.
Arlis' head was facing forward, toward the main altar. Her
legs were spread wide apart, and she was nude from the waist
down. The legs of her blue jeans were spread-eagled upside
down across her calves, purposely arranged in that manner.
Viewed from above, the resulting pattern of Arlis legs and
those of the inverted blue took on a diamond-like shape.
Arlis' blouse was torn open and her arms were folded across
across her chest. Placed neatly between her breasts as an
altar candle. Completing the desecration, another candle,
thirty inches long, was jammed into her vagina. But that
wasn't all: she'd also been beaten and choked.
However, none of that butchery caused her death. Alris Perry
died because an icepick had been rammed into her skull behind
her left ear; its handle protruded grotesquely from her
Given this description, if we can assume that the blue-jeans
were not folded back but fully extended to form a V-shape that
extended beyond Arlis's spread-eagled legs towards her head,
it would form what is in my view a blatantly Masonic symbol,
which is commonly known among Freemasons as the Square and
Compass, i.e., an incomplete hexagram, at the center of which
is the diamond-shape described by Maury Terry. The candle
inserted into her vagina might represent the 'G' at the center
of the Square & Compass, which is variously said to
represent 'G' as in 'God', or 'Geometry', or the 'Generative
Principle', meaning, among many other things, the male phallus.
The two trianges pointing in opposite directions are said to
represent the male and female principle, which is to say,
the Square & Compass symbol is an oblique or vieled
representation of sexual union between male and female.
It's hard to believe this connection escaped the
comprehension of an investigator as well-informed and intelligent
as Maury Terry, so we are left to wonder why he might
omit mention of this fact in his book, especially when he
boasts that he has his "eye on the information" and the information
is there before him in "black and white." The symbology of the
murder is
patently Masonic, which of course does nothing to prove that Fremasons
or corporate Freemasonry had anything to do with the murder, yet the
symbology should be taken into consideration, esp. given the other facts
of case. An internet posting by Andrew L. Nichols
takes into account the dual-triangular imagery and its meaning in
occult circles.
a. David Berkowitz, who later confessed his entanglement in
organized Satanism, studied the works of French Freemason,
Eliphas Levi; b. crime scene photo, where one of the cult's
victims experienced the harsh reality of "Satanic panic" in
the 1977 shooting spree; c. the "Devil's Cave", in Yonkers,
NY, one of the cult's ritual blood letting sites. Pictures
are from "The Ultimate Evil," by Maury Terry]
[The bastardized quote from the Book of Revelation that was
found at a ritual site in 1985 by Maury Terry.]
The leader of the cult was identified as a Freemasonic Druid
witch, according to Maury Terry, and that seems more than likely
given the fact that not only was the identity of the leader
later confirmed at his funeral, but Berkowitz also confirmed
crucial details regarding the cult's leader. Berkowitz had
studied the works of French Freemason Eliphas Levi, as well
as those of 33rd Degree Freemason Aliester Crowley, known as
the "father of modern satanism." A few individuals thought
to be involved with the cult, who were later tried for an
unrelated crime, were known to visit the Hell Fire club in
New York, a nightclub presumably named after the old and in-
famous Hell Fire Club that was first established in England
by high-level Freemasons. These, plus a plethora of other
curiosities, lead many researchers to believe that there was
indeed a conspiracy.
Nor is this claim unjustified given the fact that many of
the suspected satanists which came under the purview of his
investigations, some of whom were relatively influencial and
wealthy people, were eventually caught, prosecuted, and
jailed for crimes which can only be described as satanic,
while others were found brutally murdered--evidently because
they were weak links who knew too much, as indicated not
only by their known involvment with organized satanism, but
also by signs left at the crime scenes. Ten people thought
to be involved in the cult died violent deaths while Terry
was investigating. Still others, such as Berkowitz himself,
barely survived voilent attacks. One example of a murder
perpetrated by a suspected cult member after Berkowitz had
been thrown in jail would be the case involving a wealthy
art dealer in New York, who, in 1985, teamed up with another
man at the Hell Fire Club, then drove to an estate where the
two men sodomized and killed a man they'd picked up at the
nightclub. Due to the fact that those involved in the cult
were dropping like flies, Hoffman's claim that the exposure
of the facts surrounding the case would only serve to make
the perpetrators seem like demi-gods is only somewhat true
at best, and in any case, it would be better to stress what
is said in the Bible, that the name of the wicked will be
blotted out, and while many or a few, no matter, ultimately,
may escape retribution in this life, they will meet with the
Man in the end and be case into outer darkness.

Above, another picture of the Son of Sam Cult's ritual site,
as scaned from "The Ultimate Evil," a book by Maury Terry.
As a scan in the image library will attest, Berkowitz not
only studied the works of Freemason Levi, but also studied
the works of Freemason and satanist Crowley. This aqueduct
was connected to Samual Untermyer's estate.
"Behind the
Carr home, the aqueduct path cut through a wooded area. A mile
to the north, it traveled through the lower reaches of
Untermeyer Park--a sprawling, fomerly lavish estate that had
fallen into considerable disrepair...." (Maury, pg. 192)
This area was named after Samuel Untermyer, a Zionist Jew,
who had allegedly blackmailed Woodrow Wilson at one time.
"Untermeyer, whom a British magazine labeled a satanist,
imported stone and statuary from England to embellish
the landscape. Other researchers stated that Untermyer
had belonged to the Golden Dawn society--a nineteenth-century
British-based [Kabbalist] ritual-magic organization that
had claimed infamous black-magician Aleister Crowley as
a member. Both the Golden Dawn and Crowley would later
become relevant in the investigation." (Maury, pg. 192,
brackets mine]) According to
Fritz Springmeier,
the Golden Dawn is
the personal coven of the Rothchilds.
The victims of the original Son of Sam cult shooting spree
are listed now:
Victims: Donna Lauria (shot and killed by Berkowitz), Carl
Denaro (shot by a female member of the cult, name unkown),
Joanne Lomino and Donna DeMasi (John Carr was the trigger
man), Christine Freund ("Manson II," a man once affiliated
with Charles Manson, was the shooter, who is thought to be
Bill Mentzer, who was later convicted for murder of movie
mogul and satanist, Roy Radin), Virginia Suriani and Alex-
ander Esau (Berkowitz pulled the trigger), Judy Placido
and Sal Lupo (Micheal Carr did the trigger work), Stacey
Moskowitz and Robert Violante (not known for sure which
cultist did the blood letting on this one, though a friend
of John Carr's is suspected.) Other cult members, apart
from the trigger numskulls, were involved as accomplices
in each of the attacks, according to testimony given to
Terry by Berkowitz and confirmed by substantial circumst-
antial evidence.

[ The
hexagram, symbol of the god of the
Kabbalah, long used
in black magic, appears twice in the movie, "The Wickerman",
1973. David Berkowitz studied the work of Freemason
Eliphas Levi,
as did
Jack the Ripper, according to
a new book
entitled, "Jack the Ripper's Black Magic Rituals".
Sam Cult Killings & Possible Occult Timeline
Son of Sam murder
Occult holiday
Arlis Perry, October
12, 1974
October 12 (Crowley's
Donna Lauria,
July 29, 1976,
Stacy Moskowitz,
Robert Violante,
July 31, 1977
August 1, Lammas Day
Carl De Naro (injured),
October 23, 1976
October 31, Halloween
Joan Lomino,
Donna De Masi (injured),
November 27, 1976
November 3rd (St. Andrew's Eve)
Christina Freund,
January 30, 1977
February 2 (Candlemas Day)
Valentine Suriani,
Alex Esau,
April 17, 1977
April 24 (St. Mark's Eve)
April 30 (Walpurgis Night)
Judith Placido (injured),
Sal Lupo (injured)
June 26, 1977
June 23 (Midsummer's Eve or
St. John's Eve)

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